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RA Dalton Ltd are the Klargester number one accredited installer covering the whole of the UK.

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Product Feature: The Clenviro Matrix

Want a new sewage treatment plant that is not only fully CE compliant but also easy on the eyes? Well, the Clenviro Matrix may just be the system for you!

A variety of different models are available for this unit varying from the 6 population CLF1 Matrix all the way through to the 300 population equivalent CLF17.

As a company it was only a few years ago we started using the Clenviro systems and they soon became one of the favourites of the install teams, the cylindrical casing with flat base made for a straightforward installation with minimal material wastage.

The design of the Matrix also means that it is one of the preferred options to install in areas which are either trafficked or require a low profile installation. The lids on the Matrix as standard are rated for up to 1 ton however these can easily be replaced with up to a D400 loading meaning they can be utilised for installation in a driveway or a carpark.

Tested to a BS-EN 12566-3 standard.

The Matrix sewage treatment plant has undergone rigorous testing to achieve its fully CE marked status and is fully certified to BS-EN12566-3 standard. This means this unit can be utilised for both discharges to ground or to a watercourse.  This standard is a requirement to comply with the 2020 General Binding Rules.

The blower unit is located externally on the Matrix system, limiting the risk of any foul air intake or flooding. The three-stage biological process is all contained within the one structure reducing installation costs and space used.

This system is designed to achieve an average effluent standard of 20:30:20 (BOD:SS:Ammonia) which is the norm for more domestic package sewage treatment plants unless they are installed within a SSSI or an area which required nutrient neutrality.

The TOPAS plus sewage treatment plant

With the introduction of new standards and regulations a lot of manufacturers have been pushed to improve designs on existing systems and even develop new plants, the most recent of which was the requirement for Nutrient neutrality.

Therefore in late 2022 Clenviro announced their launch of the new Topas Plus package sewage treatment plants which was devised to comply with the more stringent standards outlined by the government.

With a EN12566-3+A2 level of certification this includes the requirement for low levels of phosphate and ammonia, the average achieved parameter for these units are 30:8:8:0.2:0.5 (COD:BOD:SS:Phosphate:Ammonia) meaning the advanced five-stage treatment process has blown the expectations out of the water.

For more information on either Clenviro systems or for more information on our installations and servicing please feel free to give our offices a call on 01388 537030.

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