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Product Review: The small Domestic BioDisc (BA-BC BioDisc)

Easily one of the most popular Sewage treatment plants on the market is the Kingspan/Klargester BioDisc package treatment plant and it’s safe to say there is a reason for it!

Today we will look into the intricacies of why the BioDisc may be the best choice for you.


If you are looking for guaranteed quality with the certification to back it up look no further, the BioDisc undertook rigorous testing in 2005 and was awarded its certification to European standard EN-12566. This accreditation allows the Kingspan/ Klargester BioDisc to discharge to a watercourse without a permit, however you do need to be careful as in some areas this may still be required (e.g. nature reserves, SSSIs).

Whilst the above testing was being carried out the effluent quality was phenomenal, with results coming back in the region of 8:13:4 (BOD:SS:Ammonia), this was achieved whilst the Klargester package treatment plant was correctly sized (on population) and maintained regularly.

Although the lid is just above ground level and is as low profile as possible, it is still quite a considerable size. It is however vitally important that this is not covered as this is the access point for both servicing and desludging; we have in the past been to properties who have covered the tank with gravel, concrete and as a result the system was not able to be serviced as required and major issues have arose as a consequence.

The BioDisc also has 3 main invert levels, 450mm, 750mm and 1250mm and comes both as a gravity flow and an IPS (Integrated pump system) meaning there are many variable applications, the four small domestic BioDisc options vary from 1 – 2 houses and up to 12 bedrooms.

We always advise that you consult with a specialist when specifying which treatment plant is most applicable to your property as there are many different elements that need to be taken into consideration.

Due to the construction of the BioDisc these are not ideal for sites that require a shallow dig tank as they are more vertical in construction and the depth of the excavation can be anywhere between 2.2m and 3.4m deep depending on invert level and tank selection.

The installation process in itself is relatively straight forward however there are many elements that need to be monitored to ensure the tank is installed with longevity in mind.

Although the manufacturers offer an option for granular surround and a concrete surround we always install our tanks with a concrete backfill as we believe this offers a more suitable and stronger construct and ensures the ground conditions are unlikely to compromise the structural integrity of the tank.

The entire tank is to be surrounded in a minimum of 150mm of concrete all the way around (par the lid) and whilst this is taking place the new system will need to be filled to a working level with water to ballast, this stops the pressure of the concrete causing the casing to buckle.


Once you have your BioDisc installed the benefits don’t stop there.

Unlike its main competitor the BioDisc operates with a ‘Rotating Biological Contactor technology’ whereas the majority of the other systems on the market function with an aeration element which is primarily a blower unit located either within the tank or under a housing in the vicinity of the treatment plant.

The BioDisc is renowned for its quiet operation and the limited smells that come about during its operation, when you think about it when air is being pumped into sewage water it seems only reasonable that smells may occur as a result.

This ultimately means that there are no regular consumables required. For example on blower operated units it is recommended that the air filters are changed at regular intervals whereas the smaller RBC units only require the regular maintenance and replacement parts as and when required.

The motor on the BioDisc also generally has a longer lifespan than the blower with the average usage duration being 6-8 years on the motor/gearbox and 2-3 years on the blower. Unfortunately this does lead to one downside as the parts when they do go are slightly more expensive but when you weigh up the comparisons there isn’t much in it over all.

The BioDisc also has a reputation for being one of the cheapest tanks on the market to run, in comparison to its main competitors the yearly costs can be half if not a third of what it would be on an aeration unit.

Although these systems are not the cheapest to buy outright on the market they do live up to their reputation, if you would like any more information on the purchasing, installation or servicing of a BioDisc why not give us a call on 01388 537030

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